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Well although the actual BASTED installation consists of 2 simple steps, we will try to include here some sample configurations and guidlines that will help you prepare your system for a successfull BASTED installation. Requirements The following programs are required in order to have a fully functional BASTED system.
These packages are all required but if you feel like changing something please let us know. We will try to make this list smaller in order to make BASTED as independed as possible, but you dont have to for wait us to all the work :-) BASTED Install After you have succesfuly downloaded the tarball containing the files simply untar and place them inside your htdocs directory (or homepage or whatever). $ cd ~/public_html (or /var/www/htdocs) $ tar -zxf basted-v0.1.tar.gz This should create a directory named basted-v0.1. Change your working directory to basted-v0.1, in order to create a database for your records and insert the structure of tables. $ mysqladmin -u user -p basted $ mysql -u user -p basted < admin/basted.mysql Edit the file admin/config.php and change the values to what seems appropriate for your system. An explanation of each value there follows. $dbhost="localhost"; (Host running mysql. Most times localhost is just fine) $dbuser="user"; (User to connect to the database) $dbpass="password"; (Password of that user) $dbname="basted"; (This is the name of the database you created earlier) $domain="spamhost.yourdomain.org"; (This is the maildomain basted runs on and accepts mails) $ORGANISATION="team r00thell"; (Your organizations name if none simply leave empty) $MAIL="user@domain.org"; (Email abuse reports will have as FROM) $MAILFROM="yourname <$MAIL>"; (Only change yourname part if not required simply remove) $SUBJECT="**Notification about SPAMMER activity from your network**"; (Default subject please note that this subject line gets prepended by the id of spam [ID:10] for example) After you finished editing your config you should be able to make it work. But first, you need to fix some values in the perl script that comes with basted. This script is responsible for placing the spam mails in your database. Edit admin/basted2sql.pl and change the following. my $HOST = "localhost"; (same as config.php) my $DATABASE = "basted"; (same as config.php) my $USERNAME = "user"; (same as config.php) my $PASSWORD = "password"; (same as config.php) my $BASEDIR = "/path/to/your/Maildir"; (Needs full path to Maildir. for example /home/user/Maildir) If you cant afford to have multiple mailboxes and you simply configured your filter or mail client to move those spam mails to a folder simply add the folder at the end of Maildir (variable $BASEDIR). Here is an example. my $BASEDIR = "/home/user/Maildir/.SPAM"; Place a cronjob so that you can insert those mails automaticaly. A line like the following should be efficient for almost all unix systems with a descent crond. 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * * /path/to/basted2sql.pl 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null Alternatively, the perl script can also be ran manually, whenever you want to update your database. Of course, this is not a versatile solution, because you will have to run the script every now and then, but it might appear usefull to someone who doesnt want processes running everynow and then (maybe on a _very_ slow system?) Sample Postfix Configuration Although your postfix configuration is not part of basted we will include a sample entry without putting our hands on fire about how good or bad that is. You should be warned though. If a spamer figures out you are using wildchard matching for a domain he'll bomb you to death. But fear not, cause next version of BASTED will come with more features that will help BASTED work together with your postfix in order to avoid this havoc. The lines we changed in order to make our postfix accept delivery for our BASTED system are the following home_mailbox = Maildir/ mydestination= basted.system.domain.com (If multiple domains are served seperate them with coma) virtual_alias_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/basted-maps NOTE: Please read your postfix documentation about changing these otherwise you might cause some serious problems to your system. The basted-maps file should look like this. @basted.system.domain.com username (this is the username receiving all spam) After you finished this simply run # postmap hash:/etc/postfix/basted-maps # postfix reload Test that everything works fine by sending a test mail to blah@basted.system.domain.com and see your logs for any errors. And thats pretty much all you need. If further instructions are required please make sure you read the documentation that came allong with your postfix or visit postfix.org for further instructions. NOTES Last but not least, you should be carefull with your admin folder. Since you dont want spammers or anyone else messing with your BASTED system, it is strongly advised that you use some basic protection to this folder. If you have a static IP and you dont care about making the folder authenticated you can simply create a .htaccess file inside the admin folder that looks like this. Deny From ALL Allow From YOUR.IP.ADDRESS On the other hand since not everyone has the luxury of static IP you could do something like this to enable authenticated logins to /admin/ $ cat >.htaccess AuthType Basic AuthName "Username and Pass" AuthUserFile /path/to/your/.htpassword-file Require valid-user ^D (This is CTRL+D) $ htpasswd -mc /path/to/your/.htpassword-file username New password: (password will not be echoed back) Re-type new password: The End That's all we could think you might need in order to configure your BASTED system. We know this doc is not much, but we will try to improve as we go. In the meantime, if you have problems configuring/running BASTED, you could forward your questions to tr\at/r00thell.org and we will try our best to help you solve your problem. peace |